Ring Around The Roses
This Valentine's Day give those dozen roses a different look. Forget the vase and create a sweetheart wreath instead. It's made from your roses and green foliage such as ivy or eucalyptus. Wreaths are also a great way to display roses from your garden and make great gifts for family and friends.
You'll need:
- Dozen roses
- (1) 12-15 inch florist foam ring
- 1/2-yd of ribbon
- Green foliage such as ivy or eucalyptus
- Cut wire (4-5 inches long)
- 1 nail (optional)
Before you start decorating your sweetheart wreath with roses and greenery you need to soak the wreath in water until it's thoroughly wet, but not saturated. Then, knot your ribbon once around the ring leaving two long ends of equal lengths. This way, after you've decorated your wreath, the ends will be ready to tie into a bow.
To decorate the wreath:
- Cluster your choice of green foliage and push the stems into the foam, evenly spaced, around the wreath.
- Cut the stems of your roses as short as an inch or so long.
- Fasten the roses to your foam ring by taking short pieces of wire and pushing one end up the stem and into the base of the rose. Then insert the stem's end into the foam. Repeat throughout the wreath.
- Tie the two ends of ribbon into a bow.
- When finished decorating your sweetheart wreath, hang it from the nail on a door for all to see.