Make a Better Breakfast!
September is Better Breakfast Month. Here are a few ways to make your breakfast better.
I can’t believe it is September already! Besides marking the end of summer and back to school, September is also “Better Breakfast Month”. Here are a few ways to make your breakfast “better”
- Make it at home: We all know anything is “better” than fast food.
- Have kids make their own: Kids love it when they are involved in the food making process. And this will motivate them to have healthy eating habits.
- Choose a cereal that is high in fiber and low in sugar.
- If you can’t find the time in the morning, try a breakfast bar, for an “on the go” better breakfast.
- Preparation makes everything better: decide what you are eating in the morning before bed, and have everything ready to go!
Sawyer Garden Center can help make your breakfast better! Here are a few wonderful products we carry that will take your breakfast to the next level.

If you are all about products Made in Michigan we have the perfect coffee! Our neighbors, Infusco Roasters make delicious coffees that can make any home grown breakfast complete.

Flapjacks are a great way to wake up your taste buds. Try Urban Accent's Flapjack Mix. Just add milk, eggs and butter. These flapjack mixes will change up your breakfast, for the better!

Top off your breakfast with a Michigan made maple syrup. Flagel's Pure Maple Syrup is all natural, made from pure maple sap and it contains some of the essential nutrients needed for a well-balanced breakfast!